Режиссер - Квентин Тарантино
Сценаристы - Craig Hamann и Quentin Tarantino
Craig Hamann читать дальше- актер, режиссер и близкий друг Тарантино. Они вместе работали в Video Archives в Manhattan Beach, California. Между прочим, в его единственном доведенном до ума фильме, Бугибой, исполнила роль некая рокерша Джоан Джетт.
Выглядел Крейг вот так:
Это фото из обсуждаемого здесь фильма. Крейг сыграл неудачливого в любви друга Квентина.
Также он потом выступил в роли закадрового голоса на радио в "Бешеных Псах".
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Craig Hamann в роли Mickey Burnett
Quentin Tarantino в роли Clarence Pool
Crystal Shaw в роли Misty
скринкапс с Тарантино и Кристал Шоу
Allen Garfield в роли Entertainment Magnate
читать дальшеПостоянно играл состоятельных пузатеньких злодеев, грязных бизнесменов и политиков. 116 фильмов в карьере, с 1968 по 2002 - неплохо. Можно сказать, король трэша в этом амплуа.
Al Harrell в роли Clifford
Brenda Hillhouse в роли Wife
позже снималась в Чтиве и ФДТДОт заката до рассвета - Hostage Gloria Hill
Криминальное чтиво - Butch's Mother
Linda Kaye в роли Ex-Girlfriend
снималась также в Чтиве и Бешеных Псах в эпизодахКриминальное чтиво - Shot Woman
Бешеные псы - Shocked Woman
Stevo Polyi в роли Deejay
также снимался в КилБил и Бешеных ПсахУбить Билла 2 - Tim
Убить Билла - Tim (uncredited)
Бешеные псы - Sheriff #4 (as Stevo Poliy)
Alan Sanborn в роли Nutmeg, Radio Station Receptionist
Rich Turner в роли Oliver Brandon
снимался еще в 4 фильмах с участием ТарантиноBoogie Boy (фильм Крейга Хаманна, друга Тарантино) - Bartender
Криминальное чтиво - Sportscaster #2
Убить Зои (фильм, продюсированный Тарантино) - American Tourist (as Richard Turner)
Бешеные псы - Sheriff #1
Rowland Wafford в роли Lenny Otis
также снимался в Псах и был в съемочной команде Джеки БраунБешеные псы - Diner Patron (uncredited)
Джеки Браун - set production assistant
Бюджет - $5 000 (estimated)
читать дальшеThe camera would be rented on Friday, because the rental company wasn't open on weekends. This meant they could pay for one day, and get it for three.
Co-cinematographer Roger Avary later said of the film, "Had we ever finished the film it would have looked something like a sloppy version of She's Gotta Have It (1986); a miracle considering the budget. Contrary to legend, the rest of the film was not 'lost in a lab fire'. It was simply never finished due to loss of steam."
Later became the basis for Настоящая любовь (1993)
Quentin Tarantino's friend and fellow Video Archives clerk Roger Avary worked as the cinematographer on this film. He found Rich Turner to be very funny, and later cast him as the American tourist in his debut feature, Убить Зои (1993). In addition to playing minor roles in both Reservoir Dogs and Криминальное чтиво (1994), Turner would later play a minor role in Boogie Boy (1998), written and directed by Craig Hamann, who also worked at Video Archives and who co-wrote this film.
The film was completed, but the final reel was destroyed in a lab fire that broke out during editing. The surviving part of the film was shown in part to a small crowd in early 1987.
Craig Hamann said that the film was shot on an "even-then-ancient 16 mm Eclair, using a car battery to power the camera."
The film was shot on cheap B&W reversal film in order to keep the budget low.
Actor Allen Garfield was teaching Quentin Tarantino acting at the time, and that is how he also became involved in the project. Filmed over three years, from 1984-1987.
Actress Linda Kaye later became a stunt-woman. Quentin Tarantino cast her in Бешеные псы (1992) as the woman who gets hit by a car.
читать дальшеClifford: Your ass is grass, and I'm the lawnmower.
Клиффорд: Твоя задница - газон, а я газонокосильщик.
Oliver Brandon: [coming out of Mickey's bathroom, covering his nose] Man, whoo! Talk about dropping a cheese bomb! [sniff]
Oliver Brandon: I wouldn't go in there for about an hour if I was you.
Оливер Брэндон: Чувак, ууу! Скажи, кто-то нехило сблеванул! На твоем месте я бы еще час туда не заходил.
Clarence Pool: See, I look at him, I'd wanna be him so bad - I mean, Elvis looked *good*. I mean, I'm no fag, but Elvis was good-lookin'. [sigh]
Clarence Pool: I always said, you know, if, if I ever, I - had to fuck a guy? I mean, had to 'cause like, my life depended on it? I'd fuck Elvis.
Oliver Brandon: I see you like Elvis, huh? Yeah, that's nice, that's nice. I got an aunt that likes Elvis.
Кларенс: Смотри, я гляжу на него, и дико хочу быть, как он, ну то есть, Элвис выглядит "красиво". То есть, я не гей, но Элвис был красивый. Я всегда говорил, знаешь, если бы мне пришлось трахнуть парня - в смысле, если бы моя жизнь зависела от этого, то я бы трахнул Элвиса.
Оливер Брэндон: Вижу, ты обожаешь Элвиса, да? Ну, мило, мило. У меня тетя обожает Элвиса.
Clarence Pool: I am in Hell!
Lenny Otis: Are you alright?
Clarence Pool: 911!
Кларенс: Я в аду!
Ленни: Ты в порядке?
Кларенс: 911!
Один из фрагментов сценария My Best Friend's Birthday переписали и пересняли в "True Romance." Оба фильма обладают одним и тем же сторилайном: Кларенс, любовь к Элвису, проститутка, влюбившаяся в главного героя и т.д. Хотя в Тру Романс отсутствует блестящая сцена употребления чесночного порошка вместо кокаина.
Референсы и отсылки
читать дальше Отсылки в самом фильме:
The Wild One (1953) -The characters talk about Marlon Brando and mention the movie.
Jailhouse Rock (1957) - The film is discussed by Clarence.
G.I. Blues (1960) - movie poster seen in room
The Andy Griffith Show (1960) (TV Series) - They name the show by the complete title during the film.
It Happened at the World's Fair (1963) - 'It Happened at the World's Fair' and it's soundtrack are mentioned briefly.
Il mostro di Venezia (1965) - double feature poster (with The She Beast)
That Darn Cat! (1965) - movie poster seen in room
The She Beast (1966) - double feature poster (with The Embalmer)
A Countess from Hong Kong (1967) - Referenced by Clarence Pool
The Partridge Family (1970) (TV Series) - The show is mentioned in the beginning of the film.
The Partridge Family: Danny and the Mob (1970) (TV Episode) - Clarence explains that seeing this episode of 'The Partridge Family' when he was three years old made him change his mind about killing himself.
Chato's Land (1972) - movie poster seen in room
Black Mama White Mama (1973) - movie poster seen in room
Godspell: A Musical Based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew (1973) - Mickey's ex-girlfriend talks about getting a part in the play version of this film.
Little Cigars (1973) - A 'Little Cigars' poster is visible in one scene.
The Legend of Hillbilly John (1974) - movie poster seen in radio booth
Satsujin ken 2 (1974) - movie poster seen in room
The Lord's of Flatbush (1974) - movie poster seen in room
Squirm (1976) - movie poster seen in room
The Fury (1978) - movie poster in radio booth
Bloodbrothers (1978) - movie poster seen in room
Бритва (1980) - One of the characters talks about it during the movie
Breathless (1983) - A 'Breathless' poster is visible during the scene where Mickey fights Clifford.
The Evil That Men Do (1984) - movie poster seen in room
Отсылки к фильму:
Бешеные псы (1992) - The K-Billy radio station takes it name and origins from 'My Best Friend's Birthday', Tarantino's unfinished debut effort.
The Charlie Rose Show: Quentin Tarantino (1994) (TV Episode) - The making of this film is talked about during the interview.
Стильные штучки (2006) (Video) - the "(your) ass is grass and I'm the lawnmower" line
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